19. 11. 2018

Second Eyes – How CCTV Helps

As the title suggests, today’s article is about the use of cameras for space monitoring.

The human eye can capture a large amount of stimuli, evaluate them, and work with them. However, this ability is not infallible, and the information can be lost quickly. The image might get distorted, forgotten, or you may not be able to replay it. You might perceive it differently, suffer from color blindness, or have another visual impairment. A space that requires constant monitoring can be observed by human eyes, but the effectiveness decreases rapidly over time. Factors such as fatigue, lighting conditions, heat, or cold all play a role.

So, the question arises: How can you monitor a space most effectively?

You could assign another person to increase efficiency. However, this adds costs and may not achieve the desired result. Even if 10 human eyes were monitoring the space, they would never match the performance of a single “artificial” eye – a CCTV system. These second eyes work day and night, in darkness, poor lighting, and are unaffected by dust or noise.

Simply put, CCTV can monitor a space under any conditions with consistent quality. Not only does it monitor, but it can also record the gathered information using a recording server. These artificial eyes can see everything and effectively replace human vision.

This is today’s reality, but who knows how much “artificial” intelligence will evolve in the future and to what extent it will replace the human eye. For now, it’s clear that the combination of artificial and human eyes in proper harmony works highly efficiently, making it the best choice for space monitoring.

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